The Department of Homeland Security has issued the latest National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP). This is the first major update since 2006. The Critical Infrastructure and Key Resources (CKIR) component of the plan still remain in-tact and most of the updates are to processes which have matured since ’06 printing.
Take some time and review the latest plan at :
The Long Island Infragard is planning on offering a workshop tutorial around Critical Infrastructure Protection in the Spring of 2009.
The DHS also has some excellent training classes around the NIPP. Course IS-860 offers a good introduction to the plan and provides good baseline into Critical Infrastructure Protection. http://www.training.fema.gov/emiweb/IS/is860.asp
It's very disturbing that the 2009 NIPP gives mention to identity "cards" and references two bills that throughout them make reference to identity "cards" when nearly every member of Congress authoring/supporting those bills involved with the inclusion of the word “cards” is under investigation for corruption.
My company is inventor and sole supplier of the tech standard called "smart wallet" by NIST. For 7 years, 3 months and 15 days (as of 3/15/09) management declined the financial offers of the orchestrators of 911. There are multiple grand juries convening over this, and the grand jury testimony from the CIA's former Executive Director has us within it, only the grand jury testimony was blocked from release by Alexandria's Judge Cacheris.
The orchestrators of 911 want to own my employer to have renewed financial incentive to attack the U.S. again. As a private company management could enact social responsibility and choose our investors. We didn't originally know the offers we were declining were from the "orchestrators." However, we did know they originated from organized crime controlling a government, and that was enough information to encourage we decline the financial offers.
This is not an appropriate vehicle in which for me to be publicizing the content of grand jury proceedings. I do want however to point-out that we have the unique to government contracting paper trail the card producers haven't in 2002. When the DHS opened its doors merit held no value despite President Bush was stating the U.S. would technologically stay many steps ahead of its enemies, and the DHS was taken over by special interests. The special interests are agents for 911's planners, trainers and financiers. The Abramoff, Cunningham and newer PMA Group corruption investigations have an underlying common thread of the nation whose financial offers the inventor of the smart wallet tech standard kept declining. Details beyond mentioning the nation’s name never are given in court filed papers--probably to prevent the destruction of evidence until the grand juries have caught everyone involved with my employer's extradition into enemy control. In fact, I just spent the latter part of a year running a sting for the grand juries...on my dollar. Let's just say there was much higher turnover at the U.S. DHS than Congress realized since many of the officials caught, still made congressional appearances without Congress knowing they weren't permitted back in DHS offices. I stopped the sting because I no longer can afford to work for free. I posted a resume at USA Jobs so investigators could hire me to return to the sting. They refused to hire me, which considering management's roofs over their heads now is at stake, sends a message from U.S. DOJ and federal investigators that they want management to sell to our only interested buyers.
I realize we're not supposed to do business via Infragard but at this point really could benefit from some members' opinions. We're inventors. It always has been in our best financial interests to sell because of Congress’ demands starting in 2003 that we pay to play. After refusing, management set-up operations in other democracies targeting their private sectors. The CIA’s former Executive Director was one of many apart of coups that took down two foreign operations. If we sell, the U.S. will be attacked again. It is certain! Furthermore, since we would be selling the monopoly on our worldwide intellectual property protection, so would our allies again be attacked. The orchestrators of 911 use fear to force acceptance of new technologies. There are dozens of other reasons why they worked so hard for more than 7 ¼ years already to control my employer’s digital wallet platform.
It never should have come down to having to choose between the US being attacked again and losing the roof over my head. This situation does far more than impact every Infragard member! It impacts everyone’s lives who reside in the free world! One of the grand juries has convened for at least five years! Its main public reference was when Cunningham’s coconspirator # 2, Mitchell Wade was sentenced this past December. Besides soliciting advice if anyone has any since US DOJ-FBI’s mission via its belated indictments now matches the people they’re investigating for my employer’s/the tech standard’s extradition into enemy control (is world’s only next-gen credentialing and commerce technology, and the “cards” all were compromised with the enemy so that we’re no safer than we were 9/10/01), I want to point-out that the foundation the NIPP is based on, is a corrupt one already under investigation for years by federal investigators.
Credentialing isn’t the only problem to emerge from Congress’ corruption that would be of concern to the NIPP. The U.S. isn’t screening for alpha radiation at its borders. Alexander Litvinenko was poisoned with alpha radiation on democratic soil in October of 2006. 2 ½ years later we should be screening for alpha radiation. We’re not because of who controls the DHS RnD grants (was glad to see them fall in the sting last March!) and border (WHTI, NEXIS, SEVIS, US-VISIT, etc.) programs. Who controls them are publicly traded companies…all PMA Group clients. In fact, NIPP would have been written by a contractor because the DHS NPPD is controlled by government contractors. The earmarking system caused this breach in the 1998 Federal Inventories Reform Act where the contractors defend theirs and their partners’ business interests (including other biz units), rather than to perform their duties with the 1998 law’s required neutrality of a bureaucrat. Shareholders vote-in the Boards of those companies which then selects senior leadership. When companies can’t control who buys their shares in the open market, they can’t control if their leadership changes to people loyal to our 2001 attackers. Was that enough for readers to get their arms around? Another way to phrase the situation is that the Old Boy Defense Club transitioned to the 911-Insiders Club by 2002.
Without compromising the grand juries’ investigations more, hopefully I’ve shown that the NIPP isn’t worth the piece of paper it was written on! Its foundation comes from corrupt origins! The DHS and all its units are run by agents of the orchestrators of 911, so the NIPP isn’t a reflection of the best plans the U.S. can implement to protect the nation, but rather a reflection of all the holes that still exist—wanted by 911’s planners, financiers and trainers. They paid-off the U.S. Congress—controllers of the federal budget via 911’s orchestrators’ agents to maintain those breaches in our security so that they can attack us again for financial gain.
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